Internal Communications
Different tools are helpful for internal communication between project stakeholders. It is useful to consider costs associated with these tools when planning a project eg. phonecalls, wifi costs etc.
Most projects will involve the exchange of large digital files such as high quality photos or video for which a file storage system might be required. This could be cloud-based, networked or physical (eg, through use of hard drives). An encrypted or password-protected file storage system is recommended to safeguard sensitive or identifying information.
For projects where lots of communication is expected between personnel working remotely from one another, a project management platform may be advisable. This will ensure all information is centrally contained. Video conferencing tools may also be useful to keep in regular contact at a distance.
Most of the above will require the set up of user accounts and the safe storage of passwords. It is recommended that your chosen tools be tested before commencing the project to make sure they work in the way you need them to.